It has been a long wait for Rohit Shetty's directorial Sooryavanshi starring Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif. The trailer of the much-anticipated film was released on March 2, 2020, with the intention of releasing it in the theatres on March 25, 2020. However, days before the release theatres in the country were shut down amid concerns of the increasing COVID-19 cases. Earlier this year, the makers had announced that the film would release in April. However, once again, the nation was faced with the challenges of the second wave, and everything was shut down. Today, after months of theatres shutting down in Maharashtra, the state government announced that theatres will resume from October 22, a week before Diwali. Before the announcement was made, Rohit Shetty had also met with Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray. After the official announcement came through, Rohit Shetty took to his Instagram handle to thank the CM and also announced that his film Sooryavanshi will be re...