A few days ago, Katrina Kaif and Rohit Shetty were seen promoting their much-awaited film, Sooryavanshi, on Ranveer Singh's television show, 'The Big Picture'. Both looked great in Indian wear and the pictures went viral. However, many also wondered why Akshay Kumar, the leading actor, was conspicuous with his absence. With less than three weeks to go for Sooryavanshi's release, Akshay's fans felt that their favourite star should also be on the field for the promotions. We have now found out that Akshay Kumar, who is busy with the shoot of Ram Setu, in Ooty will soon return to Mumbai and then immediately dive into the promotional activities. A source told us, "Akshay's fans need not worry. The superstar will make up for his absence as he'll dominate the promotions once he's back in a day or two. On Sunday, October 24, he's going to join Katrina Kaif and Rohit Shetty for an interesting segment during the ICC T20 India vs Pakistan match. Just be...