The 1997 war film, Border, is considered to be one of the best films of Bollywood and also Indian cinema. It made its writer-director J P Dutta into a household name overnight. The film made his life and also gave a boost to the careers of its actors like Sunny Deol, Suniel Shetty, Akshaye Khanna, Sudesh Berry, etc. However, for film financier Bharat Shah, the experience hasn’t been very positive. He had bankrolled the project and he claims that he is yet to get the profits that were promised to him. Moreover, his case has been going on in the Bombay High Court since 2012. However, the Honourable Court has failed to pass a timely order in this case. In last week’s issue of Complete Cinema magazine, Bharat Shah and his wife, Bina Bharat Shah, trustees of Bharat Shah Family Trust, through their advocate, M/s Little & Co, gave a public notice about this ongoing case. As per this notice, J P Dutta had approached Bharat Shah on November 21, 1994, to finance Border. As per a Deed ...