BR Chopra, who is known for some cult films like Waqt, Naya Daur, The Burning Train, and the iconic TV show Mahabharata, passed away in 2008. Now, a decade and half later, reports state that his iconic residence located in the prime area of suburban Mumbai, Juhu-Tara road, is purchased by the realty developer, K Raheja Corp for a whopping Rs. 182.76 crores. According to these reports, the Raheja Corporation bought the property from Renu Ravi Chopra, daughter in law of late BR Chopra and wife of Ravi Chopra under their subsidiary firm Feat Properties Pvt. Ltd. Documents present in real estate data portal revealed that Raheja Corp paid Rs. 11 crore for registration of property and that the deal was sealed in the last week of last month, on May 27. As for futuristic developments, K Raheja Corp is reportedly aiming at building premium and luxurious residences under K Raheja Corp Homes. BR Chopra not only conducted most of his businesses from this property but he also breathed his l...