Happilo has partnered with Bollywood’s popular on-screen jodi, Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, as its brand ambassadors. The duo is making headlines for not just being the most adored couple, but also for being ardent fitness enthusiasts. They have been roped in to popularise the concept of snacking on protein-rich, healthy, and super-tasty snacks. Happilo has rolled out its maiden celebrity ad campaign featuring both of its brand ambassadors. The TVC endeavors to reinforce Happilo’s core promise of spreading happiness and love through food. Set against the backdrop of the festive season, the TVC portrays celebrities at a party along with their guests who are visibly bored. However, the ambiance is then transformed with the entry of the brand mascot – Happi, the bear, who energises the gang with his Happilo dry fruits and trail mixes. The film, released in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada, will also be promoted across all main channels on TV, OTT platforms, cinema, s...