In one of the tragic news, television actress Tunisha Sharma, who played Shehzaadi Mariam in Ali Baba Dastaan-E-Kabul, reportedly died on December 24 on the sets of the fantasy-themed show at Vasai in Maharashtra's Palghar district at the age of just 20. As per the police officials, the young actress was found hanging in the bathroom. Tunisha’s ex-boyfriend and Ali Baba Dastaan-e-Kabul co-actor Sheezan Khan was arrested after her mother filed an FIR against him alleging abetment to suicide. While the actor has been sent to four-day judicial custody by a Vasai court in Mumbai, he has claimed that after their break up, Tunisha had attempted suicide previously as well and he had saved her. According to the news agency ANI, Shezaan told the police officials that he was disturbed by the Shraddha Walker case and that “the atmosphere in the country that emerged after the gruesome murder that he decided to end his relationship with Tunisha, citing them belonging to different communiti...