The Shah Rukh Khan-Deepika Padukone starrer Pathaan is breaking records ever since its release on Wednesday. For the unversed, the Siddharth Anand directorial has broken several box office records. Given this, the mass hysteria around the film is unmatchable. Amid this, an INOX theatre in Kashmir rendered “houseful” for the first time in 32 years, all thanks to Pathaan. On January 26, the verified Twitter handle of INOX, a leading multiplex chain, announced that their theatre in the Kashmir valley was rendered houseful for the first time in 32 years, all because of the craze surrounding Pathaan. In the photo, The organisers were seen posing with a houseful sign erected outside the theatre while the caption of the post read, “Today, with #Pathaan frenzy gripping the nation, we are grateful to KING KHAN for bringing the treasured #HOUSEFULL sign back to the Kashmir Valley after 32 long years!” In the comments section, a bunch of SRKians celebrated the moment. Among many others, a user ...