Bigg Boss 16, which is turning heavily competitive with each passing day, is inching towards its finale. The earlier episode of the ‘prize money’ task seems to have irked the new host of Weekend Ka Vaar, Karan Johar who lashed out on Archana Gautam for being violent and letting her personal emotions impact the task. For the unversed, in a bid to earn the prize money, Archana Gautam and Shalin Bhanot, who were given the task to throw haldi and detergent water on Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, Shalin Bhanot, and MC Stan, had turned violent leaving, Nimrit injured. For the unversed, in the last episode, the ‘mandali’ and the other team were asked to be a part of a competitive task for prize money worth Rs. 50 lakhs. In order to win the same, Archana Gautam and Shalin Bhanot were asked to throw haldi and detergent water on the ‘mandali’ Shiv Thakare, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, and MC Stan who were given headgears and protective suits for the same. However, despite several warnings from the Bigg Boss ...