Last week, reports came in that two youths sneaked into Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic bungalow Mannat. They were later caught and handed over to the police. Now, reports have emerged that the teenagers had remained hidden in one of the rooms in the bungalow and had given Shah Rukh Khan the shock of his life. As per a report in The Times Of India, the names of these trespassers are Pathan Sahil Salim Khan, aged 18, and Ram Khushuva, aged 19. While the former is a labourer, the latter is a vegetable seller. Both belong to Bharuch, Gujarat and they came to Mumbai on March 1 to see Shah Rukh Khan. On March 2, at 3:00 am, they reached Mannat and taking advantage of the scaffolding erected for repairs, they jumped inside the bungalow. The report further states that they entered the make-up room and remained there till 10:30 am. This is when Shah Rukh Khan entered this room and saw the duo. As expected, the superstar was left shocked and he immediately called a staffperson from his housekeeping t...