Vidhu Vinod Chopra, the filmmaker and producer who has previously produced films like Parinda, 1942: A Love Story, Mission Kashmir, the Munnabhai series, 3 Idiots, and PK, is all prepared to amaze the fans with another content-oriented film, 12th Fail. Vidhu Vinod Chopra, who had previously worked with many popular actors, such as Aamir Khan and Ranbir Kapoor, has teamed up with versatile actor Vikrant Massey on the much-anticipated film. Since the film is based on true events, to get into the skin of the character, Vikrant has gone through several preparations, which also helped him bring audacity to the screen. Following the release of the teaser, audiences were waiting for the makers to release the trailer, and now it seems that they decided to fulfil it with this special surprise. The makers have decided to release the trailer of 12th Fail exclusively alongside the theatrical prints of The Vaccine War, directed by Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, and Fukrey 3, distributed by Excel Enter...