The beloved Hera Pheri franchise, known for its iconic characters, is gearing up for its third installment, and Paresh Rawal, the brilliant actor behind the unforgettable Baburao Ganpatrao Apte, recently shared some exciting details for all Hera Pheri fans. In a recent interview, Rawal disclosed key information about the shooting schedule and expected release date for Hera Pheri 3. Speaking to Hindustan Times, Paresh Rawal unveiled the plans for Hera Pheri 3 and Welcome 3. Rawal shared, “Hera Pheri 3 will arrive next year, somewhere towards the end of 2024. The shoot will begin next year.” He further added, “Welcome 3 shoot will start by the end of this year, and it is likely to release in May-June. Both are huge films,” creating anticipation among fans eagerly awaiting the return of the iconic characters. In the same interview, Rawal expressed his perspective on awards and how he reacts when his work is overlooked during award seasons. He stated, “When it comes to awards, neithe...