Late classical singer Ustad Rashid Khan, who passed away on January 9, 2024, at age 55, was laid to rest in his hometown in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh. He was buried in Chote Sarkar graveyard, Badaun and his last rites were conducted with state honours. The late singer breathed his last in Kolkata. People around the world, who knew his music, have been paying tribute to the legendary singer. Ustad Rashid Khan gained widespread recognition for his exceptional vocal abilities. He belonged to the Rampur-Sahaswan gharana, known for the Hindustani classical music. He learned music from a very young age as he began his training under his maternal grandfather, Ustad Ghulam Qadir Khan, and his father, Ustad Sharafat Hussain Khan. He also received training from his uncle Ustad Nissar Hussain Khan. Known for his immense abilities in khayal and thumri genres of Hindustani classical music, his performances would move the audiences to feel several emotions. While he was known for his classical mus...