Alia Bhatt, who has turned producer recently, introduced audiences to Poacher, a web show that is a fictionalized dramatization of real-life events which unearths the biggest ivory poaching ring in Indian history. Written, created, and directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Richie Mehta, the series features an accomplished ensemble cast including Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya. While Alia Bhatt may not be acting in the show, she is the Executive Producer for the series, with her production company Eternal Sunshine Productions. Speaking of Poacher, the web show is based on a group of Indian Forest Service officers, NGO workers, police constables, and good Samaritans who risked their lives trying to track down this investigation. In a chilling awareness video, which Prime Video just dropped, an eerie silence, foul smell, and a morbid aura have taken over the beautiful, serene, and rejuvenating atmosphere of the forest. Alia is in a state of shock, as she ...