In a heartfelt plea, Congress leader Szarita Laitphlang has reached out to Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, urging him to visit his former teacher and mentor, Eric D'Souza, whose health has been rapidly declining. Laitphlang shared a video message on social media, emphasizing the urgency of the situation and the impact a visit from Khan could have on his ailing mentor. In her emotional video message, Laitphlang implored the actor to spare a few minutes to visit D'Souza in Goa, highlighting the relatively short distance between Mumbai and Goa, which is just an hour's flight. “His health is really deteriorating, and he can't speak anymore,” she said, conveying the gravity of D'Souza's condition. She further said in her plea in a caption accompanying the video, “This feels like my final plea, my last attempt to reach out to @iamsrk to humbly request his presence by the side of brother Eric S D'Souza. Each day, brother's health weakens, his conditio...