Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, known for his globally acclaimed titles such as Gangs of Wasseypur, Ugly and Kennedy, is ready with his next production venture Little Thomas. The film is headlined by two of India's finest actors, Gulshan Devaiah and Rasika Duggal, joined by child artist Hridansh Parekh in the charming comedy drama. "Yes, it’s been a while. Maybe I was waiting for a good children’s film script to come my way," Kashyap says on why he took 17 years to return to this space after his animated directorial Return of Hanuman (2007). "It’s a difficult genre actually, to make an authentic children’s film, so one has to ensure that it’s a good script before making it," the filmmaker adds. Little Thomas is set to have its world premiere at the upcoming Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. Besides Kashyap, the film is backed by Ranjan Singh, Rajnikant Oza, Charu Oza, Anushka Shah and Kabir Ahuja. In Little Thomas, Kashyap was impressed by the vision of the N...