Renowned actor, filmmaker, and playback singer Prithviraj Sukumaran’s production house has made a recent acquisition of a luxurious duplex apartment. The premium property, located in Pali Hill, Bandra (West), Mumbai, was purchased for Rs. 30.6 crore, according to documents reviewed by Square Yards. Pali Hill remains a prime destination for luxury real estate, known for its serene environment and high-end residences. The property is situated in Narain Terraces, a ready-to-move housing society offering 3 BHK, 4 BHK, and 5 BHK apartments. According to Square Yards, the property covers 276 sq. m. (~2,971 sq. ft.) of built-up area and the purchase includes four car parking spaces spanning 40 sq. m. (~431 sq. ft.). The transaction, registered under the legal entity Prithviraj Productions Private Limited, was finalized in September 2024 and incurred a stamp duty of nearly Rs. 1.84 crore and a registration fee of Rs. 30,000. Interestingly, Prithviraj Sukumaran, along with his wife Supriy...